Ningbo Haishu create one hundred billion textile and garment fashion industry


Youngor, Shanshan, Pacific, Bo Yang, Vico ... ... "Red Tailoring" created by the "Ningbo equipment" world-renowned, and these very well-known domestic textile and apparel brands, all from Haishu District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province. Recently, Haishu Fashion Textile and Garment Industry was awarded the national industrial cluster regional brand building pilot, a huge volume of traditional manufacturing industries, where the rapid growth from high-quality development.

As an important national textile and garment industry base, over 2,000 textile and garment manufacturing enterprises above designated size in Haishu District have a production value of more than 30 billion yuan. The number of enterprises, output value, added value and output respectively account for more than the above-scale textile and garment Manufacturing enterprises 20.5%, 22.3%, 24.2% and 23.5%, the effect of industrial agglomeration highlights. By 2019, the total revenue of the fashion textile and apparel industry in this area will strive to exceed 100 billion yuan.

In last year's "Double 11" power sales feast, Pacific Internet, Bo Yang line dazzling results, respectively, 690 million yuan and 490 million yuan, as the industry story. However, the successful experience of "Internet +" is only a part of the transformation and upgrading of Haishu garment enterprises. In June last year, "Zhejiang Province to comprehensively upgrade and enhance the traditional manufacturing action plan" put forward to promote the garment manufacturing industry to fashion, personalized, refined direction. Haishu District, one of the pilot projects in the province, the district government, all-round efforts to guide the optimization and upgrading of the garment industry in the region, enterprises take the initiative to explore cross-border integration, model innovation, try to change from "Internet +" to "clothing +" and grab Apparel industry upgrade first move chess.

At present, Youngor, Shanshan, peacebird, Veken, Bo Yang, Lion Danu are included in the list of top 100 enterprises in Ningbo in 2016. The key technical equipment of the key garment enterprises in the region have reached the international advanced level. Haishu District Economic Bureau said that in order to boost the development of the regional garment industry stamina, Haishu leading enterprises in the field of textile and apparel "two hair force", the layout of online product marketing and offline user experience, SMEs broaden their horizons to enhance the industry "waist force" , In the traditional clothing manufacturing based on the integration of intelligent manufacturing, art design, cultural and creative elements, enhance product added value.

This "clothing +" seed, has been in the business process of root blossom. Old-style windows and doors, industrial style decoration, where once the old garment enterprises in Ningbo, Bo Yang Group 5000 square meters weaving workshop, has now become the company's incubator business incubator. Based on the online shopping big data, Bo Yang Group encourages employees to tap the market segments, analyze individual needs, and take the business path, has been in the company through the "clothing + hatch", successfully operating more than 10 brands, projects.

Xu Yang, deputy director of the Bo Yang Group Office, said: "'shell home service' is that we started to operate in 2014 as a fashion home service category, last year's sales have been 280 million yuan.A small sub-market positioning accuracy Is a huge new growth point. "

"Clothing + Chi-made" is Ningbo Danny Yun Clothing Co., Ltd. out of the upgrade of new roads. Once rhyme custom made for 30 years, known as China's sweater custom industry leader. The face of rising costs and consumer upgrades, Dan Yun developed intelligent distribution system and sweater design database, contains tens of thousands of design patterns, real-time comparison of consumer needs.

Lu Dan, director of design company said that this year a new intelligent factory put into use, a custom cashmere sweater, from the next single to completion, the fastest only 8 hours. "All of our front-end sales network systems are fully equipped with smart back-end production lines. Through the feedback from consumers in the sales process, I constantly adjust and change the products, and the quantity of stock is basically zero."

The leading clothing company Youngor is also upgrading the intelligent flexible production equipment, through the establishment of suit standard database, collecting member information, mention For personalized design.

Younger Group Chairman Li Rocheng told reporters: "From product brand creativity, design, procurement, manufacturing to retail, there should be a rapid response system. With standardization, automation, information technology, intelligence, to enhance the plant's intelligence capabilities. "

"Clothing +" also allows textile and garment enterprises to further enrich the extension, play cross-border integration of "new tricks." Bo Yang pioneered the creation of "Maker 157" Venture Innovation Park, clothing design, public relations planning, software development and other supporting industries more than 60 companies included in the park, the formation of benign interaction. To "90 after" "95 after" as the main guest of the Pacific Rafah is "do business" to host the festival, but also frequently join hands with small yellow people, Doraemon, Disney enhance corporate influence and cultivate consumer habits.

Haishu District Economic Bureau said: "The value of a single piece of clothing in the promotion, not by the amount, but by quality, personalized custom, smart manufacturing, upgrading a batch, a batch of transformation, but also eliminated a number of. Not only the industry is not a sunset industry, through the transformation and upgrading will be an unlimited market space fashion industry.

Source: Economic Information Daily